Tuesday, January 14, 2014

10 Foods That Are Healthier Than You Think

Knowing the right kind of food to eat for better health can be a confusing affair. This is especially so because the market is flooded with products and food items
That are being sold as calorie-free or super-foods. However, are you well-educated on what exactly is healthy and what’s not? Read on about 10 foods that are healthier than you thought, and be surprised!
1. Bananas
Bananas are popularly known as rich in sugar and carb content. However, what they actually provide is an excellent amount of Vitamin C and B6 to the body and they are also packed with potassium, which is great for the heart.

2. Pinenuts
Rich in protein, this nut has a benefit greater than what other nuts provide, that is, it helps curb the appetite. Added to your pesto sauce or mixed with other vegetables, pinenuts make for an excellent and healthy snack or dish.
3. Pickles
You have always heard of pickles being fattening, haven’t you? Well, contrary to that popular belief, if consumed in moderation, pickles can actually do more good than harm. This is because they contain vinegar, an excellent source of cutting down the digestion of starch in the body.
4. Peanut Butter
Never thought this would make it to this list, did you? However, peanut butter is rich in protein, vitamin E as well as fibre. Moreover, it is capable of providing the requisite amounts of calorie to the body. Therefore, shy not from the tasty spread!

5. Coffee
Whilst you would likely hear all about the negative impacts of drinking too much coffee, you should also know that coffee is brimming with antioxidants, which are essential to build immunity and strengthen the body against diseases. Moreover, it is known to reduce the risk of Type-II Diabetes.

6. Eggs
Eggs are packed with components that are highly beneficial to the human body - vitamins A and D, protein, as well as antioxidants. So, an egg a day must form part of your diet.

7. Potatoes
Another food that people shrug off due to its high levels of starch, potatoes are actually quite a healthy part of one’s diet. They are necessary for your daily dose of protein, fiber, iron as well as vitamins.

8. Chicken Thighs
Chicken breasts are known to be rich in unsaturated fats, but chicken wings are a healthier as well as more economical option for those who crave non-vegetarian items in their daily dinner menu. So, include the item in your meal at least a couple of times a week.
9. Red Meat
Red meat has always been known as harmful due to its saturated fat content. However, more recent studies reveal that red meat provides the body with proteins, and enhances the metabolism! The consumption, nevertheless, must be moderate.
10. Pasta
Now whosoever thought pasta could make it to a list of healthy foods! Not you! Now, you can indulge knowing that pasta has a low fat content and its healthier options can be consumed using less creamy sauces and recipes with tons of veggies!
When it comes to healthy eating, avoiding some of your favorite foods may not be necessary. Know the right foods to eat and stay fit!


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